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This scheduler is designed for Raspberry Pi, the specific FFC used allows the Rspberry Pi to connect two cameras. You can switch the cameras by controlling the GPIO.
Connect FFC cable of Raspberry Pi to CSI interface of Raspberry PI. The CSI interface of Pi 2B, 3B, 3B+ located between LAN port and HDMI port. The CSI interface of Pi 4 is placed between HDMI1 interface and the audio jack. If you use Pi zero, the CSI interface is besided the Power port. Here is the diagram of Pi 4.
Note that the silver side (metal side) should toward to the HDMI interface. Release the black buckle, align the FFC cable and insert it tightly, then close the black buckle.
The camera interface of Raspberry Pi is default disabled. Before you use camera, you should enable it.
Open Raspberry Pi terminal and excute command sudo raspi-config, then choose Interfacing Options -> Camera -> Yes
sudo reboot
cd /boot/Camera-Scheduler/ sudo python
cd /boot/Camera-Scheduler/ sudo python