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Jetson Nano JetRacer Pro AI Kit User Guide


This is an AI Racing Robot kit based on Jetson Nano Developer Kit. Supports deep learning, auto line following, autonomous driving, and so on.


The Jetson Nano Developer Kit is not included in the Acce Kit, you need to buy it separately.

We do not provide batteries in the AI Kit or the Acce Package because of shipping policy, you need to buy batteries in local market.

User Guides

1. Hardware setup

2. Software setup

【Note】 The software part of this guide mostly based on NVIDIA JetRacer wiki

Step 1. Write JetRacer image to SD card
  • After writing, eject the SD card
Step 2. Startup Jetson Nano Developer Kit
  • Insert SD card to SD card slot of Jetson nano (slot is under Jetson Nano board)
  • Power on JetRacer AI Kit, and connect the micro USB interface of Jetson Nano Developer Kit to your PC

【Note】You had better test the Jetson Nano Developer Kit before you assemble JetRacer

Step 3. Connect JeRacer to WIFI

All the examples use WIFI, we need to connect JetRacer to WIFI firstly.

  • Open a browser (we recommend you to use Chrome) and navigate to
  • Sign in with default password jetson
  • Open a terminal in Jupyter Lab by click File -> New -> Terminal
  • In the terminal, type the following command to list available WiFi networks, and find the ssid_name of your network. You can also skip this step if you have known the available network.
sudo nmcli device wifi list
  • Connect to the selected WIFI network. Please replace the <ssid_name> and <password> to the actual name and password.
sudo nmcli device wifi connect <ssid_name> password <password>
  • After getting the successfully information, please check the ip_addtess of Wlan0 interface by the following command
Step 4. Connect to JetRacer over WIFI
  • Unplug the USB cable from Jetson Nano
  • Close the previous Jupyter Lab Browser tab
  • Open a new browser tab and navigate to http://<jetracer_ip_address>:8888
Step 5. Install the python package
  • Access JetRacer by going to http://<jetracer_ip_address>:8888
  • Launch a new terminal. Default user name and password are both jetson
  • Get and install the latest JetRacer Pro repository from GitHub.The some of the python package provided here are modified by Waveshare for Waveshare JetRacer Pro AI Kit.
  • Update Jetcard Python
sudo mkdir ws
cd ws
sudo git clone https://github.com/waveshare/jetcard
sudo cp jetcard/jetcard/ads1115.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
sudo cp jetcard/jetcard/ina219.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
sudo cp jetcard/jetcard/display_server.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
sudo cp jetcard/jetcard/stats.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
cd ~/jetcard
sudo pip3 uninstall jetcard -y
sudo reboot  #reboot and then install
cd ~/jetcard
sudo python3 setup.py install
  • Install JetCam Python package
sudo git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetcam
cd jetcam
sudo python3 setup.py install
  • Install torch2trt Python package
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/torch2trt
cd torch2trt
sudo python3 setup.py install
  • Install JetRacer package
git clone -b ws/pro https://github.com/waveshare/jetracer
cd jetracer
sudo python3 setup.py install
Step 6. Configure power mode

To ensure that the Jetson Nano doesn't draw more current than the battery pack can supply, place the Jetson Nano in 5W mode by calling the following command

  • You need to launch a new Terminal and enter following commands to select 5W power mode
sudo nvpmodel -m1
  • Check if mode is correct
sudo nvpmodel -q

【Note】m1: 5W power mode, m2: 10W power model

3. Examples

(1) Basic motion
  • Access JetRacer by going to http://<jetracer_ip_address>:8888, navigate to ~/Notebooks/basic_motion/
  • Browse to the folder ~/jetracer/notebooks in the Jupyter Lab file browser
  • Open basic_motion.ipynb file and following the notebook

【Note】You can click icon ▶ to run codes, or select Run -> Run Select Cells. Make sure the JetRacer has enough space to run.

If you get error when running the motion script, please open a new termial, resintall Adafruit-PureIO librares with following commands and try again.
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 uninstall Adafruit-PureIO
sudo pip3 install Adafruit-PureIO
(2) Teleoperations
  • Access JetRacer by going to https://<jetracer_ip_address>:8888, navigate to ~/Notebooks/teleoperation/
  • Open teleoperation.ipynb file and following notebook
(3) Interactive-regression
  • Navigate to https://<jetracer_ip_address>:8888
  • Sign in with the default password jetson
  • Browse to the folder ~/jetracer/notebooks in the Jupyter Lab file browser
  • Open the notebook interactive_regression.ipynb and following it
(4) Road-following
  • Navigate to https://<jetracer_ip_address>:8888
  • Sign in with the default password jetson
  • Browse to the folder ~/jetracer/notebooks in the Jupyter Lab file browser
  • Open the notebook road_following.ipynb and following it

Guide of DonkeyCar

TAG: Raspberry Pi 5 PD Power Raspberry Pi Zero 4G Cat1 With USB Hub Expansion Board LTE/GPS/EA/EU also For Zero 2W Raspberry Pi 5 PCIe to M.2 Python UART Communication Arduino 1.54inch OLED Raspberry Pi Mipi display 3.52 inch e-Paper HAT B E Ink Red/Black/White 360x240 Screen Display For Arduino /Raspberry Pi /Jetson Nano /STM32 GPU Monitor Display Sensor Pi5 Raspberry Pi 5 PCIe to M.2 Mini NVMe SSD Board (E) With Customized Active Cooler Together ESP32 C3 ST7789 Luckfox Pico Camera User Guide HDMI to TTL WiFi Wireless ESP32 DDSM Motor Driver HAT For Direct Drive Servo Hub Motors For Raspberry Pi UART Serial Server 10-Axis DOF ROS IMU (A) Sensor UART ARM 32 DSP Processor BLE 5.3 Bluetooth / Accelerometer / Gyroscope / Magnetometer / Temperature & Pressure 1.28inch Round LCD Raspberry Pi DSI Scr MPW7 Raspberry Pi 5 PCIe to WIFI7 Adapter Board HAT Pi5 For Google TPU BE200 AX210 AI