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9.7inch e-Paper HAT


9.7inch e-Paper is big size screen, the glass panel and FPC is fragile, please be careful when use it for developing. we recommend you to reinforce the FPC with scotch tape when developing.

There are two version, one is raw panel and another is HAT version. Driver board (IT8951) is required for raw panel, if you are the first time to buy this e-paper, recommend you to choose HAT version which come with the driver board.


9.7inch E-Ink display HAT for Raspberry Pi, 1200×825 resolution, 16 gray scale, USB/SPI/I80/I2C interface


  • No backlight, keeps displaying last content for a long time even when power down
  • Low power consumption, basically power is only required for refreshing
  • Compatible with Raspberry Pi Zero/Zero W/Zero WH/2B/3B/3B+
  • USB/SPI/I80/I2C interface, for connecting with host boards like Raspberry Pi/Nucleo, etc.
  • Comes with development resources and manual (examples for Raspberry Pi/STM32)


  • Operating voltage: 5V
  • Interface: USB/SPI/I80/I2C
  • Outline dimension: 218.8mm × 156.425mm × 1.15mm
  • Display size: 202.8mm × 139.425mm
  • Dot pitch: 0.169 × 0.169
  • Resolution: 1200 × 825
  • Display color: black, white
  • Gray scale: 2-16 (1-4 bit)
  • Full refresh time: <1s
  • Total refresh power: 0.6W(typ.)
  • Total standby power: 0.3W(typ.)
  • Viewing angle: >170°

Working principle

This product is an E-paper device adopting the image display technology of Microencapsulated Electrophoretic Display, MED. The initial approach is to create tiny spheres, in which the charged color pigments are suspending in the transparent oil and would move depending on the electronic charge. The E-paper screen display patterns by reflecting the ambient light, so it has no background light requirement. Under sunshine, the E-paper screen still has high visibility with a wide viewing angle of 180 degree. It is the ideal choice for E-reading.

How to use

Working with Windows PC

  • Connect 9.7inch e-paper to IT8951 driver board as below

  • Connect driver board to PC by USB cable
  • Download and open test software E-LINK-TCON-DEMO
  • Click connect as below

  • Check option "AutoSet", then click "Open File" to open one picture for display. Browse diagram will be opened, and you should click "OK"

  • Click "display" to refresh the picture

Working with Raspberry Pi

  • Hardware connection

You can also connecting by wires
Connect to Raspberry Pi via SPI
IT8951 Driver HATRaspberry Pi (BCM)Description'
5V5V5V power input
CSP8Chip selection of SPI (Low active)
RSTP17Reset pin (Low active)
HRDYP24Busy stats pin (Low when busy)
  • Make sure you have switched the sail switch to SPI mode

Copy the library you download to Raspberry Pi and install it withe commands below. You can also following the instruction on its website above

tar zxvf bcm2835-1.xx.tar.gz
cd bcm2835-1.xx
sudo make check
sudo make install
  • Download Demo code and copy to your Raspberry Pi. Extract and run it with the commands below in your Raspberry Pi
tar zxvf IT8951.tar.gz
cd IT8951
make clean
sudo ./IT8951 0 0 01.bmp

This demo code supports display general BMP pictures directly, if you find that your BMP picture cannot be displayed, please open it on Windows PC with Paint software (Windows APP), save as BMP and try again.

The command ;./IT8951 0 0 01.bmp', the first two parameters is X and Y coordinate of picture's left-top, 01.bmp is the file name of picture

Working with STM32

Because IT8951 will cost big size of RAM, some of STM32 cannot support without external SDRAM device. So we here use Open429I as test board, Open429I integrates IS42S16400J (64-MBIT) SDRAM,has full memory to drive the 9.7inch e-paper.

Working with STM32, you can use SPI, I80 or I2C interface. SPI is simple and need a few of GPIO, its speed can also meet the requirement of most applications. I80 is also simple and fast, however, it need to use lots of GPIO. I2C is every slow, which we don't recommend.


1) Hardware connection

5V5V5V Power input
MISOPE13Data output
MOSIPE14Data input
SCKPE12Clock input
CSPE11Chip select (Low active)
RSTPC5Reset (Low for reset)
HRDYPA7BUSY state output (Low for busy)

2) Set the switch to SPI mode

3) Download demo code to refresh picture

You can download the demo code here

Open the project with keil :Open429I-C-IT8951-Demo\Project\9.7-IT8951\MDK-ARM\Project.uvproj

Compile it, then open IT8951.h, check if SPI mode is enabled. Compile it again and download to your board. After downloading, the

The information will be printed as below (115200, 8N1)


1) Hardware connection

Vcc5V5V Power input
DBUS0~DBUS15PB0~PB15Data pins
HWEPC1Write enable (Low active)
D/CPC7Data/Command (Low for command)
CSELPC6Chip select (Low active)
HRDPC3Read eenable (Low for active)
RSTPC0Reset (Low for reset)
BUSYPA7Busy state output (Low for busy)

2) Set the switch to I80 mode

3) Display with demo code

You can download the demo code here

Open project and change set the interface to I80.

Display pictures

For easy porting our demo code, we display picture with data matrix instead of file system.

We should first convert BMP picture to data matrix (arrays), and use it in demo code.

1) Prepare a BMP image, resize the picture to 1200*825 (the resolution of this e-Paper)

2) Open BMP convert software, Click File->Open..-> to open the picture as below:

3) Click Image -> Convert to ->Gray256(8 BPP)

4) Click File ->Save As... ->Choose "C" bitmap file (*.c) -> input file name and click Save.

5) Choose 8 bit per pixel, click OK. A C file will be saved to your PC

6) Add the C file to keil project, detect unusable information

*                SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG                *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *
*                                                                    *
* C-file generated by                                                *
*                                                                    *
*        Bitmap Converter for emWin V5.22.                           *
*        Compiled Jul  4 2013, 12:18:24                              *
*        (c) 1998 - 2013 Segger Microcontroller GmbH && Co. KG       *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* Source file: zoo                                                   *
* Dimensions:  1200 * 825                                            *
* NumColors:   256                                                   *
*                                                                    *
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "GUI.h"
  #define GUI_CONST_STORAGE const
*       Palette
*  Description
*    The following are the entries of the palette table.
*    The entries are stored as a 32-bit values of which 24 bits are
*    actually used according to the following bit mask: 0xBBGGRR
*    The lower   8 bits represent the Red   component.
*    The middle  8 bits represent the Green component.
*    The highest 8 bits represent the Blue  component.
static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_COLOR _Colorszoo[] = {
  0x000000, 0x010101, 0x020202, 0x030303,
  0x040404, 0x050505, 0x060606, 0x070707,
  0x080808, 0x090909, 0x0A0A0A, 0x0B0B0B,
  0x0C0C0C, 0x0D0D0D, 0x0E0E0E, 0x0F0F0F,
  0x101010, 0x111111, 0x121212, 0x131313,
  0x141414, 0x151515, 0x161616, 0x171717,
  0x181818, 0x191919, 0x1A1A1A, 0x1B1B1B,
  0x1C1C1C, 0x1D1D1D, 0x1E1E1E, 0x1F1F1F,
  0x202020, 0x212121, 0x222222, 0x232323,
  0x242424, 0x252525, 0x262626, 0x272727,
  0x282828, 0x292929, 0x2A2A2A, 0x2B2B2B,
  0x2C2C2C, 0x2D2D2D, 0x2E2E2E, 0x2F2F2F,
  0x303030, 0x313131, 0x323232, 0x333333,
  0x343434, 0x353535, 0x363636, 0x373737,
  0x383838, 0x393939, 0x3A3A3A, 0x3B3B3B,
  0x3C3C3C, 0x3D3D3D, 0x3E3E3E, 0x3F3F3F,
  0x404040, 0x414141, 0x424242, 0x434343,
  0x444444, 0x454545, 0x464646, 0x474747,
  0x484848, 0x494949, 0x4A4A4A, 0x4B4B4B,
  0x4C4C4C, 0x4D4D4D, 0x4E4E4E, 0x4F4F4F,
  0x505050, 0x515151, 0x525252, 0x535353,
  0x545454, 0x555555, 0x565656, 0x575757,
  0x585858, 0x595959, 0x5A5A5A, 0x5B5B5B,
  0x5C5C5C, 0x5D5D5D, 0x5E5E5E, 0x5F5F5F,
  0x606060, 0x616161, 0x626262, 0x636363,
  0x646464, 0x656565, 0x666666, 0x676767,
  0x686868, 0x696969, 0x6A6A6A, 0x6B6B6B,
  0x6C6C6C, 0x6D6D6D, 0x6E6E6E, 0x6F6F6F,
  0x707070, 0x717171, 0x727272, 0x737373,
  0x747474, 0x757575, 0x767676, 0x777777,
  0x787878, 0x797979, 0x7A7A7A, 0x7B7B7B,
  0x7C7C7C, 0x7D7D7D, 0x7E7E7E, 0x7F7F7F,
  0x808080, 0x818181, 0x828282, 0x838383,
  0x848484, 0x858585, 0x868686, 0x878787,
  0x888888, 0x898989, 0x8A8A8A, 0x8B8B8B,
  0x8C8C8C, 0x8D8D8D, 0x8E8E8E, 0x8F8F8F,
  0x909090, 0x919191, 0x929292, 0x939393,
  0x949494, 0x959595, 0x969696, 0x979797,
  0x989898, 0x999999, 0x9A9A9A, 0x9B9B9B,
  0x9C9C9C, 0x9D9D9D, 0x9E9E9E, 0x9F9F9F,
  0xA0A0A0, 0xA1A1A1, 0xA2A2A2, 0xA3A3A3,
  0xA4A4A4, 0xA5A5A5, 0xA6A6A6, 0xA7A7A7,
  0xA8A8A8, 0xA9A9A9, 0xAAAAAA, 0xABABAB,
  0xB0B0B0, 0xB1B1B1, 0xB2B2B2, 0xB3B3B3,
  0xB4B4B4, 0xB5B5B5, 0xB6B6B6, 0xB7B7B7,
  0xB8B8B8, 0xB9B9B9, 0xBABABA, 0xBBBBBB,
  0xC0C0C0, 0xC1C1C1, 0xC2C2C2, 0xC3C3C3,
  0xC4C4C4, 0xC5C5C5, 0xC6C6C6, 0xC7C7C7,
  0xC8C8C8, 0xC9C9C9, 0xCACACA, 0xCBCBCB,
  0xD0D0D0, 0xD1D1D1, 0xD2D2D2, 0xD3D3D3,
  0xD4D4D4, 0xD5D5D5, 0xD6D6D6, 0xD7D7D7,
  0xD8D8D8, 0xD9D9D9, 0xDADADA, 0xDBDBDB,
  0xE0E0E0, 0xE1E1E1, 0xE2E2E2, 0xE3E3E3,
  0xE4E4E4, 0xE5E5E5, 0xE6E6E6, 0xE7E7E7,
  0xE8E8E8, 0xE9E9E9, 0xEAEAEA, 0xEBEBEB,
  0xF0F0F0, 0xF1F1F1, 0xF2F2F2, 0xF3F3F3,
  0xF4F4F4, 0xF5F5F5, 0xF6F6F6, 0xF7F7F7,
  0xF8F8F8, 0xF9F9F9, 0xFAFAFA, 0xFBFBFB,
  256,  // Number of entries
  0,    // No transparency
  1200, // xSize
  825, // ySize
  1200, // BytesPerLine
  8, // BitsPerPixel
  _aczoo,  // Pointer to picture data (indices)
  &_Palzoo   // Pointer to palette

7) Modify the codes

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE unsigned char _aczoo[] = {

to this one. (You can change the name of the array to every one you like)

const unsigned char zoo_1200_825[] = {

8) Modify related codes in IT8951.C as below

extern const unsigned char zoo_1200_825[];
void IT8951DisplayExample3()
	IT8951LdImgInfo stLdImgInfo;
	IT8951AreaImgInfo stAreaImgInfo;
	TWord width = gstI80DevInfo.usPanelW;
	TWord high = gstI80DevInfo.usPanelH;
	TDWord i;
	for (i = 0;i < width*high;i++)
		gpFrameBuf[i] = zoo_1200_825[i];
	//Setting Load image information
	stLdImgInfo.ulStartFBAddr    = (TDWord)gpFrameBuf;
	stLdImgInfo.usEndianType     = IT8951_LDIMG_L_ENDIAN;
	stLdImgInfo.usPixelFormat    = IT8951_8BPP; 
	stLdImgInfo.usRotate         = IT8951_ROTATE_0;
	stLdImgInfo.ulImgBufBaseAddr = gulImgBufAddr;
	//Set Load Area
	stAreaImgInfo.usX      = 0;
	stAreaImgInfo.usY      = 0;
	stAreaImgInfo.usWidth  = width;
	stAreaImgInfo.usHeight = high;
	IT8951HostAreaPackedPixelWrite(&stLdImgInfo, &stAreaImgInfo);//Display function 2
	IT8951DisplayArea(0,0, gstI80DevInfo.usPanelW, gstI80DevInfo.usPanelH, 2);

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