Google Chat:
Display Size | 160.0mm × 96.0mm |
Outline Dimensions | 154.0mm × 214.0mm × 32.0mm |
Screen Pixel Pitch | 0.2mm × 0.2mm |
Screen Resolution | 800 × 480 |
Display Color | Black, White, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow |
Grayscale | 2 |
Refresh Time | 12s |
Sleep Current | < 0.01uA (close to 0) |
Charging Voltage/Operating Voltage | 5V |
There is a limit to the number of factory firmware, just follow the firmware flashing tutorial below to refresh the firmware again.
Note: MAC will generate hidden files when copying pictures or folders, and then our program will also read these hidden files, which will eventually cause the program to get stuck. Delete these hidden files in the pic folder, and delete the fileList.txt and index txt files in the root directory of the TF card to solve the problem.
Drag the image onto convert.exe
Put the images, convert.exe, and converterTo6color_all.cmd in a folder, and then double-click converterTo6color_all.cmd
Put the images, convert, and converterTo6color_all in a folder
Open the terminal and enter the corresponding folder
cd xxxx/xxx/xxx/
Enter the command to grant the convert executable permission
sudo chmod +x convert
Image conversion
./convert image name
You need to perform permission operations on the convert file first
Enter a command to give executable permissions
sudo chmod +x
Image conversion
Press RUN, then press BOOT, then release RUN, and then release BOOT. The computer will pop up a USB flash drive, and you can drag the UF2 file into it
Mode 0: Automatically get the image names in the pic folder and sort them
Mode 1: Automatically get the image names in the pic folder, but do not sort
Mode 2: The name of the image in the pic folder will not be automatically obtained. Users need to create a fileList.txt file in the root directory of the TF card and write the image name in it
The next timer will only start after the screen refresh is completed
rtc_15_minutes. uf2: Refresh every 15 minutes
rtc_30_minutes. uf2: Refresh every 30 minutes
rtc_1_hours. uf2: Refresh once 1 hour
rtc_2_hours. uf2: Refresh every 2 hours
rtc_4_hours. uf2: Refresh every 4 hours
rtc_6_hours. uf2: Refresh every 6 hours
rtc_8_hours. uf2: Refresh every 8 hours
rtc_10_hours. uf2: Refresh every 10 hours
rtc_12_hours. uf2: Refresh every 12 hours
rtc_24_hours. uf2: Refresh every 24 hours
1. First remove the TF card, then press the NEXT button to see if the red indicator light flashes red and the screen refreshes. If all are present, the hardware is functioning properly.
2. Check if the photos in the TF card meet the requirements of the 24-bit bmp file with a resolution of 800 × 480 or 480 x 800 under the pic folder. Or you can replace the file in the image with "Related Documents-> Sample Images" in the tutorial to see if it is an issue with the image.
3. If the indicator light does not light up normally, please connect the data cable to the Type-C interface, and see if there is a green light. After charging, see if it still displays.
4. If there is no problem with the hardware, but the inserted TF card still cannot refresh the picture, please follow the "Firmware Flashing" operation method in the tutorial and flash the firmware again to see if it can solve the problem. The firmware is in the "Demo -> Demo source code" of the tutorial.
5. If you are using MAC as the system, please refer to the second question in the FAQ.
Reason for the problem: MAC generates hidden files when copying images or folders, and our program also reads these hidden files, ultimately causing the program to freeze
Solution: Delete these hidden files, and delete the fileList.txt and index txt files under the root directory of TF card
Press RUN, then press BOOT, then release RUN, and then release BOOT. The computer will pop up a USB flash drive, and you can drag the UF2 file into it
1. For safety reasons, it is necessary to disconnect the USB and battery, and turn the switch to the OFF position for replacement
2. If you do not want to remove the back cover, you need to disconnect the USB, turn the switch to the OFF position, and perform the replacement when the screen is not refreshing
It can supply power to lithium batteries.
After connecting the USB, press the Reset button or flash the firmware again.
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