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Raspberry Pi CM4-DUAL-ETH-4G/5G-BASE User Guide


This is a dual Gigabit ethernet 5G/4G base board, which is designed for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. It is suitable for evaluating the Raspberry Pi CM4 or being integrated into end products.


  1. DO NOT hot-plug any devices except the USB and HDMI.
  2. Please check the FAN voltage before connecting the cooling fan. The BASE board supports a 12V cooling fan by default, if you want to use a 5V cooling fan, please change the FAN_VCC resistor.
  3. DO NOT connect other devices while writing CM4 via Type C interface for stable working.
  4. 5V/2.5A or higher power supply is recommended for proper working.


CM4 SOCKETsuitable for all variants of Compute Module 4
NETWORKINGDual Gigabit Ethernet RJ45
M.2 B KEY, for connecting 5G / 4G module
Nano-SIM card slot, supports standard Nano-SIM card for 5G/4G/3G/2G communication
USBUSB 3.2 Gen1 × 2
PIN HEADERRaspberry Pi 40PIN GPIO header
DISPLAYMIPI DSI port (15pin 1.0mm FPC connector)
CAMERAMIPI CSI-2 port × 2 (15pin 1.0mm FPC connector)
VIDEOHDMI × 2, supports 4K 30fps output
RTCReal-time clock with a battery socket and ability to wake Compute Module 4
STORAGREMicroSD card socket for Compute Module 4 Lite (without eMMC) variants
FAN HEADER5V/12V (12V by default), allows speed adjustment and measurement
DIMENSIONS99.6 × 87.0mm


Writing Image


To work with 4G/5G, you need to connect a wireless module to the M.2 B KEY for featuring corresponding functions. M.2 B KEY only extends USB3.0 interfaces, it doesn't support PCIe devices.

SIM card is required to work with the 4G/5G module
If you want to disable the 4G/5G module, you can set the GPIO6 to High and enable it again by setting the GPIO6 to Low.
The module requires about 30s to enable/disable the 4G/5G modules.


ONOFFShutdown or Stating
ONONSearching network
OFFFlash/ONShutting down

Before you configure the 4G/5G module, please make sure that the module is working normally.

Configure 5G Modules

Configure 4G Modules

  • Install minicom
sudo apt-get install minicom
  • Run the minicom to configure moudules
sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2
  • Configure the modules with the following command
  • Exit from the minicom and run the following command to assign IP for the usb0 (it maybe different if you connect other USB adapter)
sudo dhclient -v usb0
  • If the network cannot connected properly, pleaes run theone of the following AT command to change the frequency and test it again.

AT commands

If your 4G modules cannot connect to network properly, please try to trobuleshoot by minicom and the AT commands.

sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2
Common AT commands
ATEATE1 enable echo
ATE0 disable echo
AT+CGMICheck manfactureOK
AT+CGMMCheck module typeOK
AT+CSUBCheck module versionOK
AT+CGMRCheck firmware versionOK
AT+IPREXConfigure hardwara baud rate+IPREX:
AT+CRESETReset moduleOK
AT+CSQCheck signal quanlity+CSQ: 17,99
AT+COPS?CHeck the current supplier+COPS:
AT+CREG?Check network status+CREG:
AT+CPSI?Check UE information
AT+CNMPConfigure network mode:
13:GSM only
38:LTE only
48 : Any modes but LTE
... ....

For more AT commands, please refer to: AT_Command_V2.00
You can also refer to:


  • Note 1: Please connect the cooling fan before you power the whole device, otherwise, the control chip will be damaged!
  • Note 2: Please check the voltage before you connect the cooling fan, it is default 12V.

To enable the I2C for controling the fan and the RTC, you need to add the line "dtparam=i2c_vc=on" on thw config.txt file
RTC is connected to i2c-10 with address 0x51(7bits)
FAN is connected to i2c-10 with address 0x2f(7bits)

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Add the following lines to the end of the config.txt


And then comment out the line dtparam=audio=on


Save the file and reboot the system

sudo reboot

RTC test

1.Download the test demo.

Open the terminal of the Raspberry Pi, enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
sudo wget https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/4/42/PCF85063_code.7z
7z x PCF85063_code.7z -O./
cd PCF85063_code

2. Run the demo


Execute the following commands to compile and execute the test demo:

cd c
sudo make clean
sudo make -j 8
sudo ./main

And then you can check the running result as below:


Enter the python/example directory:

cd python/example

And then run the python demo, the demo can support python2/3

# python2
sudo python main.py
# python3
sudo python3 main.py

The running result is as below:

Using Hwclock

  • Synchronize the system clock and the RTC
sudo hwclock -w
  • Synchronize the hardware clock and the RTC
sudo hwclock  -s

Note that it will be restore if the network is diabled

  • Set hardware clock
sudo hwclock --set --date="9/8/2021 16:45:05"
  • Check the hardware clock
sudo hwclock -r
  • Check the version
sudo hwclock --verbose

FAN test

【Note】Please connect the fan first before connecting the power to the Board to complete! Please do not connect the fan to the Board when the board is powered on(the fan control chip is powered on), otherwise, it will be damaged!
There is not official seting method for the cooling, there is a third-party project for reference.

mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone https://github.com/neg2led/cm4io-fan.git
cd cm4io-fan
sudo chmod 777 install.sh
sudo  ./install.sh


CSI and DSI are disabled by default. When using the camera and DSI, it will occupy three I2C devices: I2C-10, I2C-11, and I2C-0.

  • Open a terminal and run the following commands:
 sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
 wget https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/4/41/CM4_dt_blob.7z
 7z x CM4_dt_blob.7z -O./CM4_dt_blob
 sudo chmod 777 -R CM4_dt_blob
 cd CM4_dt_blob/
 #If you want to use both cameras and DSI0
 sudo  dtc -I dts -O dtb -o /boot/dt-blob.bin dt-blob-disp0-double_cam.dts
 #If you want to ue both cameras and DSI1
 sudo  dtc -I dts -O dtb -o /boot/dt-blob.bin dt-blob-disp1-double_cam.dts
  • And then connect the cameras and DSI display

1: Please power off the IO Board first before your connection.
2: Connect the power adapter after connecting the cameras and DSI display
3: Wait a few seconds before the screen boot up.
4: If the DSI LCD cannot display, please check if you have added /boot/dt-blob.bin. If there already has the dt-blob.bin, just try to reboot.
5: The camera needs to be enabled by raspi-config, enter sudo raspi-config on the terminal, choose Interfacing Options->Camera->Yes->Finish-Yes and reboot the system

  • Test the Cameras:

Test camera0:

sudo raspivid -t 0 -cs 0

Test camera1:

sudo raspivid -t 0 -cs 1

For more information about the CSI camera and DSI display, please refer to:

TAG: Raspberry Pi Pico STM32 programmer Power Raspberry Pi Pico HDMI Industrial UART USB TO 8CH RS485 Isolated Converter For 35mm standard rail and stacked installation X1011 Raspberry Pi 5 PCIe to M.2 NVMe 4-Ports SSD Board HAT Pi5 Four-Times 2280 Computer 3D Display 3.52 inch e-Paper HAT B E Ink Red/Black/White 360x240 Screen Display For Arduino /Raspberry Pi /Jetson Nano /STM32 RP2040 1.5inch LCD ESP32-S3 Development Board 4 inch LCD TouchScreen Display 480x480 RS485 /SHT20 /Relay For Arduino LVGL 86 TVbox Arduino Thermal imaging DC-DC Step-Down Mini voltage Moudle Input 5~36V voltage Output 5V/3.3V 4A Raspberry Pi Autofocus Camera Core3566004032 Raspberry Pi 5 ESP32 Development Board C3 1.28 inch Round Rotary LCD Smart Screen 1.28inch Knob Display 240x240 LVGL for Arduino CPU Monitor Display Raspberry Pi 5 NVMe