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Motor Driver for micro:bit User Guide


This is a motor driver module designed for the BBC micro:bit. Can drive 2 DC motots and 3 steering gears


  • micro:bit edge connector, directly pluggable
  • Onboard connectors for two DC motors and three steering gears
  • 5V regulator, supports 6V~12V input (VIN terminal). Output current up to 3A
  • Onboard connectors for DC motor and standard steering gear.
  • Comes with developing resources and munual


  • Power input range:6V~12V
  • Gear voltage: 5V
  • Logic voltage: 3.3V
  • Driver: TB6612FNG
  • Dimension: 65mm x 36mm
  • Holes size: 3.0mm


VccPower (6~12V)
A1positive pole of motor A
A2negative pole of motor A
B1positive pole of motor B
B2negative pole of motor B
P0control pin P0 of steering gear
P1control pin P1 of steering gear
P2control pin P2 of steering gear

Programming Guide

Micor:bit has variety of programming methods like mbed, micropython, typescript and other programming methods, as well as code online websites which are abundant.

The official recommendation are two programming methods: typescript and micropython. Typescript is the graphical programming language.


Typescript is a kind of graphical programming, its website is that: https://makecode.microbit.org/#

  • Open a browser and input the next URL

  • Add Packeage

You can clone the package of Motor Driver HAT for micro;bit from github. Click More..->Add Package, then copy the URL to the Edittext. https://github.com/waveshare/pxt-Motor

Control Motor Rotation

Control two motors at the same time, and set their rotating direction and speed

Stop motor when button A is pressed

Control Servo

Control servo to rotate in certain angle.

Other blocks

There are also some block in Avandced->More which can be used to control servo


You can get more information about python programming of micro:bit on this web page: https://microbit-micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

We provide python codes for this moudle, you can download and have a try.

Upzip the demo code you download and open the file motor.py which is under python directory with software mu.


Control Motor


Cotnrol Servo

Control servo to rotate in certian angle

Temp=angle/2+25 is duty ratio, its range is 0~1023.


Motor1 moves forward, Motor2 moves backward, servo1 rotate 50 degree, servo2 rotate 150 degree.

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