The X735 is a multifunctional expansion board for all current models of the Raspberry Pi using a 40-pin header. It provides intelligent and safe power management, safe shutdown and full poweroff through software, an automatic temperature controlled fan which enables the use of the Raspberry Pi in extreme conditions including very high temperature environments. The X735 also reserves the 40-pin header that can be stacked with other Raspberry Pi accessory boards for enhanced applications.
At the same time, x735 reserve two kind of 4PIN power switch (momentary switch and latching switch) port, you can connect the additional power switch to safe control the power on/power off;

Important Note
- Full power off via software is not supported when using a external latching switch;
- "L-SW" Jumper on X735 should be removed when using onboard switch / momentary switch;
- "Auto On" Jumper on X735 should be removed when using external switch;
- Both "L-SW" & "Auto On" Jumper caps should be removed when using momentary switch;
- Support 4 kinds of power supply: Micro USB, Type C(rccommend), DC5525 port (recommend), XH2.54. (Do not power the Raspberry Pi via the Raspberry Pi's Micro-USB socket)
- Don't use this X735 power mgnt board with other power mgnt board like X725, X750, X705, etc.
- When use X735 with X835/X832, please DO NOT power from X735, please power via X835/X832 DC 12V IN PORT.
- When use X735 with X825, X828, X829, X857, X856, X855, X820, X850, X872, X862, X860, X870, X822, X852, please power via X735.
- Don't use latching switch if you are using 'AUTO ON'
- Please power off the X735 when you toggle 'AUTO ON' function.
X735 support 4 kinds of power supply:
- DC5525 port: Can provide up to 4A power supply capability.
- Type C power port: specially designed for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
- Micro USB; Compatible with your original mirco usb power adapter
- XH2.54 2Pin Cable: This is a flexible power supply

Intelligent and safe power management
- Equipped with both momentary button and latching switch for easy power control
- Press the momentary button or external momentary power switch to turn on
- Press the momentary button or external momentary power switch and hold for 1~2seconds to reboot
- Press the momentary button or external momentary power switch and hold for 3~7seconds to implement safe shutdown
- Press the momentary button or external momentary power switch and hold for more than 8 seconds to force shutdown
- Supports safe shutdown and full poweroff through software
- On-board switch convenient to select latching or momentary power control switches
- Press the latching power switch once to turn on and again to implement safe shutdown
- On-board LED shows the status of power on, reboot and shutdown
- On-board PH2.0 connectors allows to use external latching switch or momentary button
- Powers the Raspberry Pi via the 40-pin header - no additional cabling required
- Allows power input via DC jack or Micro-USB socket or XH2.54 connector
- Allows power output via XH2.54 socket and or the 40-pin header

- Reserved 40-pin stackable Header for Add-On Boards
- Works with all current models of the Raspberry Pi using a 40 pin header
- Fully compatible with our products X820, X850, X860, X870, X822, X852 to provide intelligent and safe power management
- Four kinds of power source:(DC5525, Micro USB, Type C, XH2.54 2-Pin cable)