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Geekworm Hdmi to CSI-2 Module X1300 for Raspberry Pi 5
[] The X1300 HDMI to CSI-2 bridge with I2S audio interface has been specifically designed for the Raspberry Pi 5. It features the Toshiba TC358743XBG bridge chip, supporting HDMI input up to 1080P at a refresh rate of 60 fps.
[] Compatible With : Raspberry Pi 5B
[] Capable of handling video formats up to 2K Full HD (1920x1080, 60fps).
[] Equipped with the HDMI to CSI-2 bridge chip: Toshiba TC358743XBG
[] Supports MIPI CSI-2 with 4 data lanes, each with speeds of up to 1 Gbps per lane
[] Enables HDMI audio input and transmission over I²S - (Note: To capture HDMI audio via I2S, additional wiring or the X1300-A2 accessory board is necessary.)
[] Prevents HDMI backpowering to the Raspberry Pi CSI
[] Features a CSI-2 connector: 22-pin FPC with 0.5mm pitch
[] Boasts an ultra-compact design: 30 x 37.5 mm (PCB size)
[] Easily mountable on the Raspberry Pi 5, allowing you to customize your perfect case
【Connecting to the audio expansion board】
【Installation Instructions】