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Raspberry Pi Pi Sensor Board User Guide


Test image version: 2021-12-02-raspios-buster-armhf.img Raspberry Pi 4B


Enable I2C

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Make sure I2C is turned on, then reboot the system

sudo reboot

After reboot. 48 address can be detected using I2C address detection command

i2cdetect -y 1

Need to switch to python 3 (if you are already using python3.x, you don't need to switch, ignore the following steps)

python -V 

sudo rm /usr/bin/python

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python

python -V

library installation

git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_ADS1x15.git

cd Adafruit_Python_ADS1x15

sudo python setup.py install


The installation is complete

A0-ADJ sliding rheostat


Make sure ADJ is connected to A0        D26 to L1

Run the code

cd ads1115/examples/

sudo python ads1115-a0.py


Twist the potentiometer. The printed AD value changes. The brightness of LEDs, etc. changes as the AD value changes

Principle explanation

When the potentiometer is twisted, the voltage division value will change. The Raspberry Pi reads the voltage division value of the potentiometer through PCF8591. Then write the voltage division value to the PWM output to control the LED light


A1-R1 Photoresistor


Make sure R1 is connected to A1 D        26 to L1

Run the code

cd ads1115/examples/

sudo python ads1115-a1.py


Cover the photoresistor. AD value changes. LED light off

Principle explanation

When the photoresistor receives different light intensity, the partial pressure value will be different. Read the AD value change through the Raspberry Pi to judge the light intensity


A1-R2 Thermistor


Make sure R2 is connected to A2      D26 to L1

Run the code

cd ads1115/examples/

sudo python ads1115-a2.py


Thermistor touches different heat sources. AD value changes. LED light changes on and off

Note: In this experiment, hand touch is used. The temperature change is relatively small. You can use a cup with warm water to contact the thermistor. The AD value will change more. By observing the AD value change interval. LED light display In addition, the temperature environment of the experiment is different. It may cause different experimental results. It is necessary to observe the AD value change range. Select the appropriate AD value to turn off the LED light display

Principle explanation

When the thermistor receives different heat sources, the partial pressure value will be different. Read the AD value change through the Raspberry Pi to judge the temperature change


ADC - 4 channels


Run the code

cd ads1115/examples/

sudo python ads1115-4.py


4 channels print AD value

Principle explanation

The Raspberry Pi communicates with the AD acquisition chip through I2C. The AD value of each channel can be read



Test image version: 2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye-armhf.img  Raspberry Pi 4B


Enable I2C

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Make sure I2C is turned on, then reboot the system

sudo reboot

After reboot. 48 address can be detected using I2C address detection command

i2cdetect -y 1

A0-ADJ sliding rheostat


Make sure ADJ is connected to A0      D26 to L1

Run the code

cd pcf8591/

sudo python pcf8591_a0-adj.py


Twist the potentiometer. The printed AD value changes. The brightness of LEDs, etc. changes as the AD value changes

Principle explanation

When the potentiometer is twisted, the voltage division value will change. The Raspberry Pi reads the voltage division value of the potentiometer through PCF8591. Then write the voltage division value to the PWM output to control the LED light


A1-R1 Photoresistor


Make sure R1 is connected to A1      D26 to L1

Run the code

cd pcf8591/

sudo python pcf8591_a1.py

Cover the photoresistor. AD value changes. LED light off

Principle explanation
When the photoresistor receives different light intensity, the partial pressure value will be different. Read the AD value change through the Raspberry Pi to judge the light intensity


A1-R2 Thermistor


Make sure R2 is connected to A2      D26 to L1

Run the code

cd pcf8591/

sudo python pcf8591_a2.py


Thermistor touches different heat sources. AD value changes. LED light changes on and off

Note: In this experiment, hand touch is used. The temperature change is relatively small. You can use a cup with warm water to contact the thermistor. The AD value will change more. By observing the AD value change interval. LED light display In addition, the temperature environment of the experiment is different. It may cause different experimental results. It is necessary to observe the AD value change range. Select the appropriate AD value to turn off the LED light display

Principle explanation

When the thermistor receives different heat sources, the partial pressure value will be different. Read the AD value change through the Raspberry Pi to judge the temperature change


ADC - 4 channels



Run the code

cd pcf8591/

sudo python pcf8591_adc.py


4 channels print AD value

Principle explanation

PCF8591 is a single-supply, low-power 8-bit CMOS data acquisition device with 4 analog inputs, one output and a serial I2C bus interface, the Raspberry Pi communicates through I2C. Can read the AD value of each channel




L1 jumper to Aout

Run the code

cd pcf8591/

sudo python pcf8591_dac.py


The LED light changes with the output value of the DAC. The brightness changes

Principle explanation

The value written to the DAC register by the Raspberry Pi is different. The output voltage value of the Aout pin changes accordingly. . So as to control the brightness of the LED


PCF8591+ sensor


Enable I2C

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Make sure I2C is turned on, then reboot the system

sudo reboot

498 - temperature sensitive  


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 498-R_temp.py


Touch thermistor.AD value conversion

Principle explanation

The resistance value of the thermistor will change with the change of temperature. By dividing the voltage, the AD value of the thermistor with different resistance values at different temperatures can be obtained. Through the AD acquisition interface, the AD value change is collected.


512 - Buzzer


First tear off the sticker on the buzzer. The sound will be louder

Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 512-buz.py


The sound of the speaker varies from loud to small, and then from small to large.

Onboard LED light. Brightness changes

Principle explanation

The GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi output PWM with different duty cycles. This controls the sound of the buzzer


490-Infrared Receiver Remote Control


To be used with the remote control

Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 490-ir.py


Press the remote control to identify different key ID codes

Principle explanation

After the infrared receiver receives infrared light of a certain frequency, it will output a low level. Through this principle, we read the high and low level data of the infrared receiving tube through the GPIO pin of the Raspberry Pi to print out the key value of the infrared remote control


506-ds18b20 high precision temperature sensor

Connection method: Note that the sensor S pin is connected to the D4 pin of the Raspberry Pi

Run the code

The DS18B20 program needs to add the sentence dtoverlay=w1-gpio-pullup at the end of the Raspberry Pi /boot/config.txt file, and it can be used after the restart takes effect.

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

cd sensor/

sudo python 506-ds18b20.py


Real-time measurement of the current ambient temperature

Principle explanation

Using a single bus communication protocol, the Raspberry Pi communicates with the DS18B20 to read the DS18B20 temperature register. To get the real-time temperature


483-key key sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 483-key.py


Press the button, you can print out the recognized button

Principle explanation

The Raspberry Pi pins are set to the input state. When it is recognized that the key is pressed as a low level. The output key is recognized


501 - Tilt Sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 501-switch-01.py


Tilt switch Switch tilt can be detected

Principle explanation

When the internal switch of the tilt switch is tilted, it will output a low level. The Raspberry Pi pin input detects a low level to identify whether it is tilted


505-mercury switch


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 505-switch-quicksilver.py


Tilt the module. Let the mercury move. Can print the switch status

Principle explanation

The mercury inside the mercury switch can control whether the mercury short-circuits the internal 2 iron wires with the movement of the module, thereby outputting a low level. The Raspberry Pi pin input detects a low level to identify it


487-light light blocking sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 487-light.py


Use a piece of paper, etc. in the middle of the blocking sensor. It will recognize

Principle explanation

When a material is inserted into the gap of the light blocking detector, the blocker will initially be at a high level. Using AD or GPIO can identify the discipline status. Thus, it can identify whether there is an object blocking it. It can be used in the trolley gear test


500 - Knock Sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 500-tap.py


Knock module, can recognize the knock

Principle explanation

When the knock module receives a knock, it will send out a low-level pulse. Use the Raspberry Pi GPIO to identify the low level to identify the knock signal


513-Shock sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 513-shock.py


Vibration module, can recognize the tap

Principle explanation

When vibrating the vibration module, the module will send a low-level pulse. Use the Raspberry Pi GPIO to identify the low level to identify the vibration signal


495-Hall Magnetic Sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 495-hall-01.py


The proximity of the magnet to the sensor and the polarity of the magnet will affect the value of the Hall magnetic sensor

Principle explanation

The Hall element inside the Hall magnetic sensor can identify the magnitude of the magnetic force. When the magnet is close to the sensor, the sensor will produce different AD value outputs


497 - Mini Magnetic Spring Sensor


Experiment with magnets

Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 497-magnet-spring.py


When the magnet is close to the sensor, the magnetic spring will connect. This will output a low level Note: When the magnet is close to the sensor, there is no response. Change the polarity of the magnet and try again

Principle explanation

The iron force attracts the internal magnetic spring, which will short-circuit the internal spring and output a low level. Use AD or GPIO to identify the low level to identify the signal.


keyesir-infrared transmitting and receiving_obstacle avoidance sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python keyesir.py


When the module is close to an obstacle, it recognizes the obstacle Note: Do not interfere with other too strong infrared light

Principle explanation

The infrared light emitted by infrared will be reflected to the infrared receiving tube if it encounters an obstruction. After the infrared receiving tube receives the infrared signal, it will output a low level through the voltage comparator


511-ir-line-Infrared transmitter and receiver_Infrared line patrol sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 511-ir-line.py


The distances required for infrared reflective recognition are different between black and pure white occlusions

Note: The recognition distance and sensitivity can be adjusted by the following potentiometers

Principle explanation

White is more reflective to infrared light, so you can install the module at a suitable distance. The module can only recognize the black line or the white line, so as to achieve the effect of car line tracking


504-joystick-joystick module


Note: The 5V of the joystick needs to be connected to the 3V3 of the driver board, because the AD acquisition here is the maximum acquisition voltage of 3V3

VRx connection -> A1   

VRy connection -> A0

At the same time, the following jumper caps at A0 A1 should be unplugged to prevent interference

Run the code

cd sensor/ sudo python 504-joystick.py


Rotate the joystick AD0 and AD1 to print different values. Press the joystick. The pressed state can be proofed.

Principle explanation

The X and Y axes of the joystick can print out different AD values according to the state of the joystick. The AD output of X and Y is collected through AD. The state of the joystick can be judged. At the same time, the joystick has a press button. The button can be triggered when the joystick is pressed. . Raspberry Pi GPIO can read key state


482-relay-relay module


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 490-ir.py


The relay module will make a sound with the control of the Raspberry Pi, and at the same time, the two output terminals B and C of the relay will be short-circuited with A.

Principle explanation

The relay can control the switch of port A and port C through different control levels at the input end of one side

In this way, some household high-voltage electrical appliances can be controlled


laser-laser emission sensor


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python laser.py


Laser head emits laser rays Principle explanation

The Raspberry Pi controls the GPIO output, and the laser sensor will emit laser rays after receiving the level control.


478-RGB LED light


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 478-RGB.py


RGB LED lights show red, blue and green respectively

Principle explanation

Common cathode 3-color RGB lights. Give high level to the control pin of each color light. The corresponding light will be on


477-RG-Dual-color LED


Run the code

cd sensor/

sudo python 477-RG.py


Two-color light color change

Principle explanation

Common cathode 3-color RG bi-color light. Give high level to the control pin of each color light. The corresponding light will be on


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