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MPTPU User Guide

I. Introduction

MPTPU is a TPU expansion board specifically designed for the Raspberry Pi 5, driven by a Coral TPU module through PCIe 1x Gen2. TPU module on the Raspberry Pi system requires the installation of drivers and configuration of the operating environment. This document is based on the MPTPU expansion board (single TPU), and the driver installation is also applicable for dual TPU setups.

Note: The operation requires a stable internet connection to the regions out of China (you may need to find your own method). Otherwise, many files may not download or may only partially download, which could ultimately lead to the code failing to run.

II. Hardware Resources

2.1 Specifically designed for the PCIe interface of the Raspberry Pi 5.

2.2 Support M.2 E-KEY PCIe and Google coral Edge TPU.

2.3 CSI/DSI slots: Supports 0.5mm pitch 22-pin cables and 1mm pitch 15-pin cables.

2.4 An onboard power indicator LED ("PWR").

2.5 Adopts high-quality electronic components, lead-free production, immersion gold process; the PCB board is UL certified and RoHS compliant.

2.6 The board has four M2.5 mounting holes, with a recessed design on the top of the board to facilitate the use of the 40-Pin GPIO without affecting the use of the Raspberry Pi 5's 40-Pin GPIO.

III. System flashing

3.1 The Raspberry Pi OS used in this document is: 2024-07-04-raspios-bookworm-armhf.img.xz(Raspberry Pi OS with desktop)。

You can download it in:


3.2 Use Imager or balenaEtcher to flash the OS image in TF card. Click here to read the instructions for System flashing

Note: The TF card used for flashing the system should have a space of at least 16GB, otherwise, it will display space errors during the installation and configuration process!

IV. Driver installation, configuration and demonstration under Raspberry Pi OS

4.1 Config config.txt

After the system starts, open the Raspberry Pi terminal and enter the command:

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt


sudo mousepad /boot/firmware/config.txt

Add the codes in the ending of this file:




Then, save the file and reboot the system:

sudo reboot

4.2 Ensuring software environment

After reboot the system, open the Raspberry Pi terminal and enter the command:

uname -r

After ensuring the kernel version is greater than 4.18, enter:

lsmod | grep apex

Ensure there is no output, then you can begin installing the TPU driver.

4.3 Install necessary software

Ensure the network is connected to internet connection to the regions out of China (you may need to find your own method), and then add the Google TPU software library:

echo "deb https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt coral-edgetpu-stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coral-edgetpu.list

curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

Update the software list after adding:

sudo apt-get update

Install the necessary software after the update is completed:

sudo apt-get install cmake libedgetpu1-std devscripts debhelper dkms dh-dkms

4.4 Install Gasket Driver

Enter the following commands in sequence to install the Gasket Driver:

git clone https://github.com/google/gasket-driver.git

cd gasket-driver

sudo debuild -us -uc -tc -b

cd ..

sudo dpkg -i gasket-dkms_1.0-18_all.deb

After the installation is complete, enter the following command to ensure that the driver and software were installed successfully:

sudo apt-get install gasket-dkms libedgetpu1-std

Then, add a udev rule to obtain device operation permissions:

sudo sh -c "echo 'SUBSYSTEM==\"apex\", MODE=\"0660\", GROUP=\"apex\"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/65-apex.rules"

add user to apex:

sudo groupadd apex

sudo adduser $USER apex

Reboot the system after the setup is complete:

sudo reboot

4.5 Verification module testing and driver installation

After system starting, verification module testing and driver installation:

lspci -nn | grep 089a

ls /dev/apex_0

This board has a single TPU onboard, so you can see a TPU module:

By entering sudo lspci -v, you can see the driver loading:

4.6 Configuration of the Code Execution Environment

Running Google TPU module code requires Python versions between 3.6 and 3.9, while the latest Raspberry Pi system is Python 3.11. Therefore, we need to use Pyenv to download an older version of Python.

First, install the depends:

sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev \libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python3-openssl

Install pyenv after the depends are installed:

curl https://pyenv.run | bash

Enter the command:

sudo nano ~/.bashrc


sudo mousepad ~/.bashrc

Add the codes in the ending of this file:

export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"

[[ -d $PYENV_ROOT/bin ]] && export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"

eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Save and exit after adding, then reload the shell:

exec "$SHELL"

Then, we can use pyenv to install an older version of Python:

pyenv install -v 3.8.8

After the installation is successful, we will change the system Python version to 3.8.8:

pyenv global 3.8.8

After the change is successful, you can check the current Python version is 3.8.8:

pyenv versions

python3 -V

4.7 Download the code and run the module

Enter the following commands in sequence to download:

mkdir coral && cd coral

git clone https://github.com/google-coral/pycoral.git

cd pycoral

cd test_data

git clone https://github.com/google-coral/test_data.git

Then, download the code and run the module:

pip3 install numpy

pip3 install Pillow

pip3 install --extra-index-url https://google-coral.github.io/py-repo/ pycoral

4.8 Run the code

After the module download is complete, back to the coral/pycoral path:

cd ..

Enter the following code to run it:

Note: You can copy the following code, but please paste it into a text editor first. Then, following the format shown above, remove any extra enter. After that, copy it again and paste it into the terminal to run.

python3 examples/classify_image.py \

--model test_data/test_data/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_inat_bird_quant_edgetpu.tflite \

--labels test_data/test_data/inat_bird_labels.txt \

--input test_data/test_data/parrot.jpg

You should downloading a large amount of data from the internet out of China to use the testing of this development board, so users can contact our company after buying this development board to obtain a pre-configured Raspberry Pi OS image.


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