Supported Pi
Standard Raspberry Pi 40PIN GPIO extension header, supports Raspberry Pi series boards.
What's on the DVK512

- Pinheaders for connecting with the RPi
- UART interface: easily connects to UART modules such as RS232, RS485, USB TO UART, etc.
- 8I/Os interface: easily connects to modules controlled by I/Os, such as 8 Push Buttons, Logic Level Converter, Mix Board, etc.
- SPI interface: easily connects to SPI modules such as AT45DBXX Dataflash, L3G4200D Board, etc.
- I2C interface: easily connects to I2C modules such as PCF8574 Expansion Board, PCF8563 RTC Board, LSM303DLHC Board, etc.
- Character LCD interface: for connecting character LCDs like LCD1602
- USB connector: USB TO UART, supported by onboard converter CP2102
- Power indicator
- User LEDs
- User Keys
- Potentiometer: for LCD1602 contrast adjustment
- RTC battery holder
- PCF8563: onboard RTC chip
- 32.768K crystal: RTC crystal
- CP2102: onboard USB TO UART chip, for debugging
- CP2102 jumper
- RTC jumper
- User LEDs jumper
- User Keys jumper
For jumpers above:
- short the jumper to connect to I/Os used in example code
- open the jumper to connect to other custom pins via jumper wires
Development Resources
The User Guide CD includes development resources listed as follow:
- User manual
- Schematic (PDF)
- Examples in C (Linux API source code)
- Development documentations (Raspbian configuration, C library installation)
- Raspbian (the configured system image for RPi)
Examples in C:
- LED (I/Os)
- Logic Level Converter (I/Os)
- Key (I/Os)
- DS18B20 (1-WIRE)
- IRM (I/Os)
- LCD1602 (I/Os)
- PCF8563 (RTC)
- PCF8591 (AD/DA)
- LSM303DLHC (I2C)
- L3G4200D (SPI)
- CP2102 (UART)