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PCIE-TO-M.2-E-KEY-HAT+ User Guide



It is a PCIe to M.2 E key HAT designed for Raspberry Pi 5, compatible with various 2230 size NGFF (M.2 E Key) wireless NICs and supports Gen2 and Gen3 modes


  • Compatible with various 2230 size NGFF (M.2 E Key) wireless NICs
  • PCI-E×1 Gen2 or Gen3 mode
  • Only supports PI5B
  • On-board working indicator, PWR stays on when powered on

Usage Instructions

Note: The board does not come with any WIFI or AI module, you can purchase it separately if necessary.

If you need to purchase a WIFI antenna, it is recommended to click [Here]

Hardware Connection

Pay attention to the direction of the cable, and the connection is shown in the figure:

Bluetooth connection:

Boot PCIe

1. Enable PCIE interface (the latest system does not need to add this, connect the cable interface)

Add to /boot/firmware/config.txt:

2. PCIE is gen2 by default, if you need to enable PCIE gen3, then add following to /boot/firmware/config.txt:


3. After the modification, reboot the PI5, and the device can be recognized.

Different modules output different results


At present, it has been tested and compatible with the following NICs. And the driver method differs for different network cards, please refer to the corresponding WIKI tutorials:



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