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Product Specification:
ESP-IDF Demo download:
Arduino Demo download:
qmsd-esp32-bspIt includes screen drivers, touch functions, and UI frameworks, making it convenient for users to quickly develop the Qiming Smart Display development board。
Supported development boards:
Attention: Our development board is:ZX3D95CE01S-TR-4848
Supported UI drivers, default to LVGL-8.3.1
Supported sensors:
Other libraries:
ESP-IDF support
Dependency before use:
Usage steps:
Method 1: Set the environment variable QMSD_8MS3TH to point to the address of the SDK, and add it to CMakeLists.txt
Method 2: Copy the SDK to your personal project, name it xxx, and add it to CMakeLists.txt
Operate under the project load-board
The following options will appear, and the board model will dynamically change based on SDK support
--- Please select board to load sdkconfig ---
0): ZX1D28CEC27R-2424
1): ZX2D10GE01R-V-4848
2): ZX3D50CE02S-USRC-4832
3): ZX3D95CE01S-AR-4848
4): ZX3D95CE01S-UR-4848
5): ZX4D30NE01S-UR-4827
x): exit
Select board [0 ~ 5]:
Enter the target model and press Enter. The script will create the sdkconfig. faults file and configure sdkconfig to the target development board.
fail,You can solve it by following the steps below:
This way, the configuration file can be manually loaded, and there is no need to execute the idf.Py load board command in the future
After the project is successfully compiled, run: generate-firmware
The script will find the bin file generated in the build folder, then package and synthesize it into a single file, and generate firmware_ xxx. bin in the running directory, where xxx represents the offset address of the bin file burned
Publishing project scripts can quickly package the components that need to be packaged and extract the compiled. a file for publishing
The rule for determining whether packaging is necessary: If there is a CMakeLists.release in the components directory of the project, the. c file under that component will be deleted and replaced with a cmake file. The. a file will be extracted from the build directory of the project and placed under the component
After the project is successfully compiled, run: release-components
After running the project directory, generate a component-release directory under the build directory. The. a file and cmake file have been replaced, and it is a separate project