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ESP32 C3 for Google Dinosaur game 1.9inch LCD Display board LVGL MINI TV ST7789 WIFI For Arduino IED


Date:2023-08-21 17:31
In Stock

ESP32 C3 Development board with 1.9inch LCD Display module

Wiki,Tutorial,Program,Code,User Guide (Click here)


[] The ESP32 C3 1.9inch display board is not only a development board but also a unique piece of design artwork. 

[] It features a 1.9-inch LCD display with an ST7739 driver, 

[] Allowing it to run LVGL driver for displaying small videos or animations. 

[] It offers the ability to play the Google Chrome Dinosaur game

[] Providing entertainment and learning opportunities.


[] Power Supply: 5V

[] Display Interface: SPI

[] Display Driver IC: ST7739

[] Display Resolution: 170x320

[] Main Controller: ESP32 C3 with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities

[] Onboard : 1 RGB user LED and 2 user buttons

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