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Help with send ir command Raspberry Pi IR Remote Shield

2024-06-13 17:46:20 Ask

Hi friend, thank you for the guide which I found very useful!! but I need your help to send IR commands to my hi-fi equipment. I downloaded the conf file from the database and loaded it but when I go to run the irsend command nothing happens. Could you help me please? I also asked other people but I didn't solve anything. A thousand thanks !!

Raspberry Pi IR Remote Shield send ir command
Answer time:
2024-06-13 19:38:07

I downloaded the conf file from the database and loaded it but when I go to run the irsend command nothing happens

-》 Give a detailed steps about how do you control



Answer time:
2024-06-16 16:54:32

I followed the guide to the letter. I downloaded the file for my Denon RC-220 hifi device from the database and loaded it into the lircd.conf.d folder. I also tried to acquire the commands and it works fine. The problem arises when I have to send the commands. If I use irsend SEND_ONCE RC-220 KEY_PLAY nothing happens and the LED on the shield does not light up when looking at it with the phone camera. Is there any way to switch when I have to use the RX or TX or I don't have to set anything? Thank you for your help. I hope you can help me as soon as possible.  

I have Raspbian 10 buster with kernel 4.19.118-v7+ on raspberry pi 3B+



Answer time:
2024-06-21 04:40:31

Help pls?



Price: $8.59
Part Number: IR-Remote-Shield
Brand: Spotpear