I just got a set of these boards and trying to program them. I want to use the LED but there is no documentation on the pins used to control the RGB LED.
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I just got a set of these boards and trying to program them. I want to use the LED but there is no documentation on the pins used to control the RGB LED.
You can refer to this tutorial, which contains the LED control routine you mentioned: https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/cn/getting_started_xiao_ra4m1/
The example provided for the xiao RA4M1 doesn't work with the "UNO Minima RA4M1 Tiny SuperMini R7FA4M1 Board Compatible With R4 For Arduino" board as they are different. There is an error statement #define with this line LED_PIN RGB_BUILTIN. As well as other errors with the script example script.
/tmp/.arduinoIDE-unsaved2025224-25972-1dep5oj.hwk6/sketch_mar24a/sketch_mar24a.ino:3:17: error: 'RGB_BUILTIN' was not declared in this scope
#define LED_PIN RGB_BUILTIN // Define the pin for the built-in RGB LED
Which brings back the original question, what pin is used for the LED.
In the Neopixel library example, you have to set the pin for the pixel to work.
// Which pin on the Arduino is connected to the NeoPixels?
int pin = 6; // On Trinket or Gemma, suggest changing this to 1