In the Arduino IDE and after having run (well, it didn't run, it crashed) the following sketch
uint32_t chipId = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(int i=0; i<17; i=i+8) {
chipId |= ((ESP.getEfuseMac() >> (40 - i)) & 0xff) << i;
Serial.printf("ESP32 Chip model = %s Rev %d\n", ESP.getChipModel(), ESP.getChipRevision());
Serial.printf("This chip has %d cores\n", ESP.getChipCores());
Serial.print("Chip ID: "); Serial.println(chipId);
the board now REQUIRES me to press BOOT+RESET to be able to flash any other sketches to it + press RESET to run them.... If I don't press RESET+BOOT, I get the following error:
A fatal error occurred: Unable to verify flash chip connection (No serial data received.).
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2
Previously, it did not require this (it would just flash the board and run automatically)
Is it possible to go back to the initial state or have I accidentally triggered some irreversible state change in the board?