I just downloaded the example in github with Arduino IDE
then I push UPLOAD
then the screen goes blank. Nothing appears in the device. Tested also with Method 2 from scratch. Same result
can you share a full working example?
Many thanks!
Google Chat: zj734465502@gmail.com
I just downloaded the example in github with Arduino IDE
then I push UPLOAD
then the screen goes blank. Nothing appears in the device. Tested also with Method 2 from scratch. Same result
can you share a full working example?
Many thanks!
A blank screen indicates download mode, and only by entering download mode can the code be downloaded.
Press and hold the boot button, press reset, release reset, and then release the boot button to enter download mode.
Reset the device after burning.
Also having this problem, but the given solution does not issues the problem. I know how to enter download mode, but that is not the problem. The project compiles and flashes successfully but just does not work. It goes to an empty screen after flashing and does nothing.
A blank screen indicates download mode, and only by entering download mode can the code be downloaded.
Hi! It is not in download mode. I've reseted the device and it displays in blank screen. When I use a different library for the ST7735 (adafruit) it works. But, looking on internet, it seems this version is very slow to draw elements.
I've also tested cleaning all the code and just leaving the elements related to the TFT_ESPI library and just show a text, like this:
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <SPI.h>
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();
void setup() {
tft.drawString("HELLO", 20, 20, 4);
void loop() {
but it is not working either. I'm using your code, I'm using the TFT_ESPI library that you provided in the example code in github. It seems there might be an incompatibility between:
- the library itself
- The device
- the User_setup.h which you provided
Could be possible that there's a new batch with different features making the TFT_ESPI library that you included to be incompatible with SPOTPEAR esp32 C3 trinket?
Many thanks!