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UNO R3 Development Board Improved version MICRO Interface ATmega328P Singlechip Programming Board


Date:2023-06-27 17:01
In Stock

UNO R3 Development Board Improved version MICRO Interface ATmega328P Singlechip Programming Board

Wiki,Tutorial,Program,Code,User Guide (Click here)


[] Solved the incompatibility and instability of traditional UNO boards on Win7 and Win8 systems. Especially on pirated 64 bit WIN7 systems, the official board cannot install drivers, but this version is very simple and easy to install.

[] Added a pin slot for easy use of DuPont cables.

[] Replaced 16u2


[] Download USB chip driver

[] Connect to the UNO development board, and the driver will be automatically installed

[] Select the board UNO in the die

[] Select the COM port and you can check the uno development board port on my computer

[] Select the built-in routine program to burn