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Milk V Duo duo-buildroot-sdk - how to add readline module into the img file

2024-03-27 13:16:47 Ask

How can I add the readline module (needed in Python) into the building process

and so into the img file.

Is there any more detailed documentation of duo-builroot-sdk?

I am trying to find some information from the code itself

or by comparison to cvitec sdk documentation

but it is much complicated for me.


Milk V Duo duo-buildroot-sdk add readline module into img
Answer time:
2024-04-01 21:27:54

Thanks to your encouraging I have solved it.

Finally I needed readline package (module) in Python3. I chose it in buildroot configuration.

After configuration build.sh didnt rebuild the python binaries. I deleted output directory and then run build.sh again.  After the whole rebuild it is OK. Readline libraries are in /usr/lib, I can import readline in python and arrows and history work in python console.  

Bye, Jaroslav

